This is a new electrical installation showing how clean and neat photo is how we perform our electrical work.
The electrical control box is straight and properly secured to the wall. All of the flexible conduits are strapped above and beyond the National Electrical Code requirements. We do this because it is safer and a lot better looking than having far less straps or even none at all, which is very common and see every day while performing service calls.

The other photo is also a new electrical installation by one of our competitors. The Control Panel is crooked and was not installed using a level, all the flexible conduits are not straight going down the wall and curving toward the equipment. And some are tie-wrapped with plastic ties, which do not last long. Then the power supplying the controller is a PVC pipe that wraps around the foundation of the home running in the direction of the power source.
This PVC is NOT approved for this installation as it can be easily damaged.
For this installation the electrical piping should have been either metal conduit or extra thick Schedule 80 PVC that is a darker color so the inspector can distinguish between the two (2) types of PVC conduit. Which one would you want in your back yard?