Swimming Pool wiring on commercial projects is quite different that on residences and takes quite a bit more time, materials and labor to accomplish. All of the electrical piping with wires inside must all be metal as per the 29 year old local electrical inspector on this particular job, even though PVC is allowed by the National Electrical Code. My personal opinion is that installing Schedule 80 Ultra Heavy Duty PVC piping instead of metal would last 10 times longer and would never rust or deteriorate. But I have only been in the swimming pool electrical wiring business for 42 years (13 years longer than the inspector has been alive), so what do I know? Regardless of metal or PVC, all of the conduits must be properly strapped and secure so they do not move. Even the white plumbing piping has to be strapped up and secure. At least that inspector knows PVC is the best choice, unlike the inspector for our phase of work.