Kitchen/Cabana Electrical Outlets

September 13, 2022
Electrical Outlet

All electrical outlets for outdoor locations must be rated TR/WR (Tamper Resistant and Weather Resistant) and has these letters easily read on the front of the device. If they are not rated for this type of installation, in a short amount of time the outlet will begin to crack due to temperature fluctuations from extreme heat in the summer to cold winters. One huge reason we only use this brand is because we have been performing these types of electrical installations for 40 years.

Over this time we have learned what brand is best for each application, and most of the time they are not even made by the same company. We have found this particular outlet to be the very best and have been installing it for many years without a single one failing. It is the only one that is stainless steel wrapped around the rear to protect it from overuse by customers.

Electrical Outlet

Constantly plugging and unplugging items is very common in outdoor applications as many homeowners use these areas to entertain. The other photo is of an installation by our competitors that we replaced with one of the outlets we use. As you can see from one of the photos, the yellow/white outlet is cracking and was not a TR/WR (Tamper Resistant and Weather Resistant) outlet.

Electrical Outlets



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