When installing the electrical for a swimming pool or spa light, the junction box MUST be at least 4 inches above water level. The reason is because the conduit that holds the pool/spa light cord is filled with pool water for the life of the pool. The junction box acts as a divider and when installed high enough, keeps water from touching live wiring connection. This particular installation was installed only 2 inches above water level of the pool. The installer thought just being 4 inches above ground was good enough, but the earth slopes downward away from the pool. This junction box filled with small amounts of chlorine water and over time, it rotted the box completely. This was also installed quite a number of years ago as swimming pool approved junction boxes are now required by the National Electrical Code. Some are plastic and some are solid brass. But had the installer made sure this was 4 inches above water level, this would have never happened even with an older and obsolete box installation such as this.