When high voltage (120 volts) pool or spa lights are installed, the National Electrical Code requires the light niche (light holder) to be grounded with an extra large copper cable. This cable is sized #8 and bonds the light to the grounding system grid that even reaches inside the steel re-bar of the pool, and protects swimmers against any fault current. The photo shows one of my Swimming Pool Electricians holding the #8 Green Copper Cable in his hands while pulling in the light cord along with it. The grounding cable and the light cord are ran all the way back to the UL approved pool/spa light junction box where the #8 ground cable is terminated. You may notice the pool lights are left in the boxes in the floor of the pool. This is because the next step of the pool construction process is for the pool to be plastered and filled with water. It is always best to leave the lights in the boxes so they are not broken and the plaster company crews place the lights.