In earlier blogs I went over spa and hot tub installations and what was required for them. For all 240 volt 50 amp, 60 amp and 70 amp services to tubs, a disconnect switch of some kind must be installed within 5 ft of the edge of the tub. It must also be within sight of the tub so that while servicing it, no one can get injured. The disconnect switch in this photo is what we use. It has the GFCI breaker built directly into the disconnect panel instead of having the GFCI breaker at the main panel. WHY? GFCI breakers trip at the slightest fault it feels from the earth. This could be stemmed from a problem with something else in your home or even the neighbors’ home that is close by. Having the GFCI right by the tub is the best place for it. In the main panel we install a regular 240v volt breaker to supply the GFCI disconnect switch you see here.